Building Excellent Written Business Communication Skills

Building Excellent Written Business Communication Skills

Has the written communication produced by some of the members of your establishment cause unnecessary anguish and stress, internally and externally?

It is very true that we may sometimes know all that we want to pen on an email, letter or even a project paper but when we actually sit down to write it, it comes out all wrong….from the words to the tone to the structure.

Let us work with you to simplify the rudiments of good business writing among the members of your establishment who need this guidance.

At the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Demystify the whole process of writing the various types of businesses communication
  • Identify the different types of written business communication formats
  • Identify basic composition skills in terms of grammar, spelling, style, tone and transition language
  • Identify appropriate and inappropriate language usage with specific focus on the hospitality industry
  • Understand and identify common errors in written communication
  • Explore and apply various methods of structuring the different types of written communication formats
  • Apply correct etiquette when writing any form of business communication
Contact us today for further discussion.